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Thanks to the Town of Jamestown’s continuing willingness to partner with C4C, last season’s and this season’s porta-potty in the park across from The Merc will be provided for by C4C.  This coming season, the porta-potty will be in place for a longer period, roughly May 1 to October 31.

This partnership keeps cyclists from traipsing in and out of The Merc without buying anything.  It handles human waste.  It gives female cyclists privacy.  It keeps a few male cyclists with their pants down out of people’s yards.  It takes an expense off of a small town’s budget needs.  It shows cooperative effort from cyclists who may feel like both a blessing and a curse to residents of Jimtown.  It also seems to cause residents and drivers in James Canyon to be just a little more patient with cyclists.

C4C is exploring the provision of a second porta-potty at a separate location like the mile marker 11 pull-off on Lefthand Canyon.  If you’d like to sponsor that porta-potty including having your name or business displayed on it, please contact

Separately, Boulder County and Bicycle Colorado have launched Bicycle Friendly Driving courses, in part, thanks to a $20,000 grant from C4C.  As board president Rob Andrew states, ‘if we can save just one life then it matters.’

When you support C4C, you support these programs, thank you.