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Ride for Gwen, June 7th, 2022. Update as of May 31, 2022

By May 31st, 2022No Comments

*Note, Gwen Inglis was struck and killed by a motorist while riding her bike.  The incident belongs more to the Bike JeffCo community and, thus, C4C has left this to their skillful management.  But, C4C does occasionally forward information about the incident.  C4C staff follows the aftermath of the incident.  The below is posted with permission.  As always, the board and staff of C4C give their deepest condolences to the family and friends of the deceased.


Greetings Everyone [from Bob Shaver]:

There is a lot of information to update you on so please take extra time to read everything carefully.

  • We will be honored to have Mike Inglis lead our group to Golden; with Gwen’s brother, Keith and 8+ members of their family in attendance to send us off.
  • There will not be a time slot for guest speakers as the various media will want to talk with Mike, Keith and family.My plan right now is to have Pete Piccolo, Exec. Director of Bicycle Colorado say a few words and to ensure we stick to the schedule, noted below. More about that in the 6/02 email
  • I need a couple of volunteers to watch bikes at the Jeffco Justice Center during the sentencing hearing 2:30 – 5:00 pm. I will stand guard but more coverage with two additional people would be helpful. I will not be responsible for damaged or stolen bikes.  Please bring a lock.
  • Another issue for consideration is shuttling kit bags/locks, etc to Golden.I’m open to suggestions and help.
  • As of 4:00 am this morning, an email was received by the Denver Police Department, District 1, informing them of our ride and detailing the route, and respectfully asking Commander Layla DeStaffany for police assistance. I hope to have a response from her for my last communication to all of you on June 2nd.  If she does not respond we will have to be extra cautious for the 2.6 miles we’ll be in Denver; stopping at every light and 4-Way stop crossings.



Commander James Lucas and Sergeant Rodney Parker of the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department have been EXTREMELY helpful in assisting with our ride for Gwen.  And I hope Commander Lucas doesn’t mind my mentioning that he’s a former bike racer and has a bike collection we could only dream about.  But since he is in charge of the safety and rights of all visitors to the Justice Center, he can play no favorites-nor should we expect him too.  So I am asking all of you to be especially mindful and respectful during all times, inside and outside while at the Justice Center.  As emotionally charged as we all are, I think it serves Gwen’s memory, Mike, Keith, her family and our cycling image better if we conduct ourselves in a dignified and peaceful manner.  Thank you!


Please reserve the main sentencing room for the family.  If there is a need for extra people, there will be an overflow room with a live video feed from the sentencing room.



  • Absolutely no photographs inside.
  • No outbursts or disrespectful language.
  • There will be parking outside the entrance.I will be there to direct you.
  • Do not park your bike blocking entrances, walkways, roadways or impede traffic.


There will be a sizable media presence at the start of our ride and at the Justice Center.  You may be asked to be interviewed. As above, conduct your response in a calm, respectful manner.   As sad an occasion as this is, it is also an opportunity to reach several hundred thousand English and Spanish speaking viewers along the Front Range and beyond.  Not only will this event expose the hazards of DUI drivers that we face on a regular basis but who we are: People just like them.


Even if you cannot ride the entire route to Golden, or at all, I urge you to please show up at the start, or at the Justice Center for the sentencing.  Encourage your friends to do likewise.  Thank you.




  • There is a pay lot across from the Downtown Aquarium on Water Street 300 meters from REI.
  • Several parking options along our route in surrounding neighborhood side streets along 23rd Ave near Jefferson Park and west of Federal Blvd.  Be sure to read signs that deal with parking times and street cleaning days/times. (See Denver Section Map above)
  • Some (like me) are planning to park a car in Golden night before or early morning day of with change of clothes for the duration.


This is an uninsured, ride at your own risk endeavor.  You understand the hazards of cycling and agree to STRICTLY abide by established rules of the road.


9:45 – 10:30 AM:  Arrive at CONFLUENCE PARK/AMPHITHEATER ( between REI and the Platte). Randy from Cateye will be on hand to distribute/mount the free light systems to the early registrants. There are less than 30 left!  So email me right away. I will send names in the order they were received to cateye and notify recipients.  If you don’t hear from me it means all the light systems are spoken for.  Please use a light during daylight rides for added visibility.  PLEASE DO NOT BLOCK BIKE PATH OR ENTRANCES TO REI OR STARBUCKS-THANK YOU!

10:30 – 11:50: Interviews with Mike Inglis and Gwen’s family and possible participants.

10:50 – 10:55: Line up on Plate River bike path/small parking lot on Water street, behind Mike. Last minute instructions and a moment of silence.

11:00 – 11:05 Cross onto the Water Street Bike Lane and line up ready to ride/depart.

12:30 – 12:45 PM: DOWNTOWN GOLDEN (Make your own lunch arrangements)

2:00: DEPART GOLDEN FOR JUSTICE CENTER by 2:30 (On your own)


Please mail me if you have any questions and to let me know you will be coming because I need to report the approximate rider count to Jeffco Sheriff Office and Denver Police Department.  I could use a few volunteers so please have them email me….Thanks!


  • [Bob] will be at E-Rock in the Primal and Bicycle Colorado booths with ride information and updates.