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Safer and Better Cycling in Boulder County

Cyclists 4 Community is a federally recognized 501c3 nonprofit whose mission is safer and better cycling in Boulder County.  C4C does this by partnering with Boulder County governments, communities, supporters and donors to achieve objective safety and livability outcomes.

Starting in 2023, C4C is excited to be partnering with bike clubs, groups, industry, and retail to share information about C4C’s program services that benefit cycling in Boulder County.  See the list here.

For 2023, the below infrastructure, outreach, and policy goals represent C4C’s work.  Join us at Crank It Forward or donate anytime to make this all real.

C4C’s 2023 Infrastructure Goals:  $15,000 = $2,645,000

The three infrastructure funding goals listed below are the product of mutual agreement between C4C and Boulder County.  These projects are currently not funded by Boulder County’s transportation sales tax nor other county mechanisms.  Rather, Boulder County has applied for competitive federal and state funding to execute the projects.

That’s where C4C comes in.  If an entity other than the local government helps pay down some or all of the local match segment that is typical of a federal/state grant (usually about 20%), then that grant application is scored higher in the review process.

For example, in 2022, C4C gave $30,000 that resulted in a $400,000 federal grant that is funding a professional engineering feasibility study for a Boulder – Lyons bikeway.  By putting a little money on the table, we take a lot of money off the table.

A $5000 Contribution for a $1,920,000 Grant for Construction of the Jay Road Segment of the LoBo Trail

A map image showing the area of the project.Cyclists 4 Community has committed to contributing $5000 to Boulder County for the purpose of paying down the local match portion typical of federal grants.  By doing so, C4C makes Boulder County’s application for the grant significantly stronger.  Construction of this segment of the LoBo Trail moves cyclists away from autos on Jay Road where the data indicates risk to vulnerable users.  Users of the trail would have their serious injuries and fatalities effectively reduced to zero.

A $5000 Contribution for a $425,000 Boulder – Lafayette Bike Path Study

Here again, Cyclists 4 Community has committed to contributing $5000 to Boulder County and the local match to significantly increase the County’s likelihood of winning a $425,000 federal grant to do a professional engineering feasibility study for a separated (dedicated) bike path between Boulder and Lafayette.  Such a path reduces serious injuries and fatalities of its users effectively to zero.  It gives people choices for accessing work, services, and play and improves Boulder County’s great quality of life and cycling access.

A $5000 Contribution for a $300,000 Boulder – Jefferson County Line / Golden Bike Path Study along Highway 93

A screen shot of Boulder County's summary webpage showing its grant applications.As in the above two projects, $5000 from C4C significantly increases Boulder County’s chances of winning $300,000 for a professional engineering feasibility study for a bike path from Boulder to the County line where Jefferson County has funding to complete the path to Golden along Highway 93.  This highway is so dangerous that it’s currently rarely even ridden.  Such a path again maintains and improves the opportunity to ride, this time on a regional scale, and reduces seriously injured and killed effectively to zero.

A Connected Network That Is Greater Than The Sum of Its Parts

Every piece of Boulder County’s Transportation Master Plan that gets built reduces killed and seriously injured, especially among cyclists.  It gives people choices to access work, services, and play in order to maintain and improve Boulder County’s great quality of life and cycling as a way of life.

Two down, one to go!  The Sunderland Group and Lockton have each donated $5000 towards the total $15,000 infrastructure grant funding goal listed above.

C4C’s 2023 Outreach Goals:  Cyclists Being Good Neighbors in Rural Boulder County

In response to the 2013 floods, C4C donated close to $150,000 to Jamestown.  Since then and after repairs to James Canyon Drive, relations between cyclists, locals, and local drivers have improved.  In order to guard those relations, C4C has paid Jamestown for the cost of one porta-potty in the town park.  It works like a charm.

Jamestown porta-potties x 2:  $1000 each for the season

C4C is raising funds for two of the three or even four porta-potties that Jamestown rents seasonally in the popular Boulder County cycling destination.

SOLD!  Payroll Vault of Boulder has sponsored one of two porta-potties in Jamestown.  That leaves one more available.

Gold Hill porta-potties x 2:  $1000 each for the season

A photo of the Gold Hill Store

The Gold Hill Store’s well is mediocre at best.  Consequently, the Gold Hill Store trucks in its water in order to accommodate the volume of cyclists that visit.  Let’s help the Store and town with this water cost.

Sold!  GravelRado (great rides with great friends) has sponsored both of the Gold Hill Store porta-potties.

Mountain Fountain porta-potty (Hygiene):  $2000 annually

The Mountain Fountain is an east-county business that caters to cyclists that pass through in droves.  Friendly to cyclists in general, let’s help this small business.

SOLD!  Payroll Vault of Boulder has taken this sponsorship!

Raymond Store Cabins porta-potty:  $1000 for the season

Located along one of the great mountain road-riding routes, Raymond is a long way from services.  The property is under new ownership.  The cabins are the focus of the new owners who, eventually, hope to turn their attention to the store.

C4C is pleased to work with this small community on a solution that’s good for everyone.

Sold:  $1000 for May – October/November thanks to an anonymous donor plus some C4C general funds.

Altoona Grange porta-potty:  $1000 for the season

Does the riding get any better than the dirt along the Boulder-Roubaix course?  But the folks who live around there wouldn’t mind a few fewer cyclists in the bushes.

Other Outreach Fundraising Goals

C4C is working on a few more outreach projects intended to support communities and improve relations between the local community, drivers, and cyclists.

  • C4C has a goal of delivering $1000 to the Ned Shred Program.  Not just for cycling families, this is a program that gives Nederland Elementary School kids access to introductory mountain biking.

Policy:  An Experienced Voice for Cyclists in Boulder County

When you support Cyclists 4 Community, you support a paid staff person whose business it is to represent cyclists’ interests all over Boulder County.  From partnering with law enforcement to signage to funding for transportation projects that are good for cycling, C4C’s staff person works year-round to make cycling safer and better in Boulder County.

Here’s a link to a summary of ongoing work, scroll down for policy advocacy.  Or, here’s an example.  The Highway 119 Boulder – Longmont/Diagonal Project is a large project that includes a role model bikeway to be built to above standard criteria and with multiple “separated grade” crossings which are underpasses at busy roads.

It will define the standard for commuter grade multi-use paths between municipalities for decades to come including the accommodation of e-bikes.  C4C has written numerous letters of support for multiple grant applications.  Each grant pays for what will eventually be full funding for the path and the standard it will achieve.

Like a lot of things, by funding C4C’s ability to persist over the long term, project funding on the scale of tens of millions of dollars is achieved.

It costs about $50,000 a year to keep the lights on at C4C.  Let’s fund it!