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BOULDER, COLORADO – MARCH 15, 2018 – Cyclists 4 Community (C4C) pulled together a public meet & greet and information sharing event in partnership with Community Cycles, the City of Boulder, and Boulder County on March 15th at the Tune Up taproom at Full Cycle on Pearl Street for an open discussion about the best ways to improve cycling safety in the Boulder area. Many concerned cyclists and representative of cycling groups from the local area came to hear what the four organizations, working in partnership are doing to improve bicycle safety, voice their concerns, and ask questions of the speakers.  Boulder’s Vision Zero plan, the 2019 Transportation Master Plan, and recent updates about improved signage in Boulder County were some of the key topics discussed.

In addition to introductions by Russ Chandler, co-founder of C4C, the speakers included Sue Prant, Executive Director of Community Cycles, DK Kemp, Bicycle Transportation Planner for the City of Boulder, and Alex Hyde-Wright, Bicycle Transportation Planner for Boulder County.


Transportation Master Plan (TMP) – The City of Boulder’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is updated every five years. The next update kicked off on March 21st, with an open house and presentations from national transportation visionaries.

Boulder County intends to kick off its own TMP update in the coming months.  C4C will be working closely with County Transportation staff to make sure that our safety priorities, including more protected lanes, separated bikeways, and highway underpasses are included in the long term plan so that budget can be allocated.

For the latest on Boulder County Transportation activities, including road construction updates, visit

Bicycle Friendly Motorist Program

Cyclists 4 Community has committed $20,000 to match funds being allocated by Boulder County to go towards a new Bicycle Friendly Motorist Program for Boulder, modeled after a successful program already in place in Fort Collins.  Boulder County will be developing its program based on this, and others from around the world.  The goal is to educate more drivers about how to safely operate their vehicles around bicycles on the roadway.   Stay tuned for more information on this exciting development.

Variable Message Board Allowed (VMB) on US36

C4C has been working closely with the Boulder County to get approval from the State to allow the new mobile variable message board on State Highway 36 between Boulder and Lyons.  Just last week, that approval was received.  The VMB is expected to be delivered soon and deployed in a variety of locations throughout the 2018 cycling season, and beyond.  It was purchased by C4C from the funds raised at last year’s Crank it Forward. This year, the event is set for Friday May 18th.  For tickets and more info, please visit https//

New 3ft Signs

Cyclists in the Boulder County area should notice these new signs on roads north of Boulder and west of Longmont where there is no shoulder.  The new Three Feet to Pass signs let motorists know they are legally allowed to cross a double-yellow line to pass cyclists safely.  Three feet is the legal distance a car must give a cyclist when passing.