For roughly the calendar year 2019, C4C’s $20,000 grant given to Boulder County allowed the County to obtain $80,000 in matching funds from the Regional Air Quality Control organization. Though C4C was focused on the use of those funds for Bicycle Friendly Driver education, the funds provided for much more.
Below is a summary provided by Boulder County of the fuller effect of those funds.
“The grant included hands on bike education classes for 1293 BVSD students, basic repair and fix a flat classes for 139 people. Bicycle Friendly Driver classes for 703 people, 408 of which were fleet drivers (school bus drivers, Via drivers, HOP drivers and SVVSD supply drivers). Promotion of the first and final mile program to encourage people to bike to transit. Promotion was through five bus ads on the sides of local buses and a mailing of 6411 postcards both included the website which showed people where bike shelters and B-cycle stations were located.
The RAQC [enabled] a Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) spreadsheet and when we input all the numbers the result was that we had reduced vehicle miles traveled by 4,017 miles.”
When you support C4C, you support C4C’s ability to partner with the community and governments in order to leverage investment and produce more value. Thank you.

Thanks to Boulder County for their ongoing partnership!